CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

CabTec helps Ukraine with donation campaign

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

March 2022

As the managing director of CabTec, I would like to thank everyone who donated so that we could help in Ukraine in an efficient and targeted manner.

In total, we were able to provide sleeping bags, dressing materials, medicines, durable food, children’s food, as well as protective clothing for firefighters and other aids such as flashlights and water purification agents on a total of 30 pallets.

CabTec supported the purchase of relief supplies and covered the cost of transportation directly to the relief regions. Thanks to the volunteers of the volunteer fire department Gross-Gerau for the donation campaign and especially for the packing which lasted until late at night.

In total, we were able to deliver 15 pallets to Sonkád via our plant in Kecskemét. From there, the aids were transported to the Ukrainian town of Wynohradiw, 10km away. The other 15 pallets were also successfully distributed to the cities of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathia and Ternopil in Ukraine via the Polish Marshal Office in Podkarpackie County. Thanks again to all who participated.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

CabTec helps in the flooded areas

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

April 2021

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

Parts of Germany have been hit by an unimaginable flood disaster. Large areas of land resemble fields of rubble. People have lost their lives, many their possessions. It is impossible to imagine what the people living there experienced as they feared for their lives.

As soon as the catastrophe became known, we reacted immediately and tried to do our part to help in the form of donations in kind and money as well as personal efforts.

Special thanks go to the rescue workers who tirelessly helped to save people at the risk of their own lives and continue to do so now. We have made a monetary donation to support the family of the firefighter who died in Rheinberg.

But we also want to remember the children. For them it is important that they can quickly experience normality again and get other thoughts.

Money alone cannot alleviate the hardship that has befallen people here. However, it can at least alleviate the financial aspect and the possibility to process what has been experienced.

We call on everyone to do this – help!
For the victims – for a future – for our society!

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

CabTec donates to a children’s ward in Hungary

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

April 2021

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

Plant manager Tibor Berta (plant Kecskemét, Hungary), on the right in the picture, handed over to Dr. Edit Kelemen, chief physician of the infant and children’s department of the district hospital in Bács-Kiskun (Hungary), made a donation of around EUR 900. Kelemen bought urgently needed life-saving devices and face masks for premature babies. Dr. Kelemen said: “We use these devices to resuscitate and ventilate newborns, premature babies and babies.” This year, as in previous years, our company is again focusing on supporting the health care system at our locations It is important, even in these difficult times, to help those who take social responsibility and save the lives of children.

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

CabTec donates 300 FFP2 protective masks to the children’s clinic in Dortmund and another 1,000 via the fire brigade to the mayor of the district town of Groß-Gerau

CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn
CabTec spendet an Kinderstation in Ungarn

March 2020

CabTec nimmt, gerade in diesen Zeiten, seine gesellschaftliche Verpflichtung wahr und spendet 300 Masken der Klasse FFP 2 an die Kinderklinik Dortmund.
Diese waren ursprünglich zum Schutz der Mitarbeiter bestimmt. Da diese sich nun aber alle größtenteils im Homeoffice befinden, können wir die Masken zur Verfügung stellen.
Gerade die Kleinsten unter uns, die aufgrund Ihrer Krankengeschichte nicht mit Viren oder Bakterien in Kontakt kommen dürfen, bedürfen unseres besonderen Schutzes.
Wir wünschen hiermit allen das Sie gesund bleiben oder werden.